The Pelvix Chair

The significance of maintaining pelvic floor strength to prevent various health issues such as incontinence, back pain, and sexual dysfunction. Additionally, Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) as an advanced, non-invasive treatment option to effectively enhance pelvic floor function and address these concerns. Adding this to your workout routine can help with a variety of things for both men and women.
The significance of maintaining pelvic floor strength to prevent various health issues such as incontinence, back pain, and sexual dysfunction. Additionally, Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) as an advanced, non-invasive treatment option to effectively enhance pelvic floor function and address these concerns. Adding this to your workout routine can help with a variety of things for both men and women.

Did you know?

Your Pelvic Floor

  • Assists in movement and balance
  • Supporting the internal organs
  • Plays an important role in pregnancy
  • Aids in recovery after childbirth
  • Prevents incontinence & bladder weakness
  • Helps prevent lower back pain
Because all of these functions have a profound impact on quality of life, it is important to prioritize pelvic core strength. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of the role the pelvic floor plays in their overall health or the problems that can arise when it is neglected.

What causes a weakened pelvis?

A sedentary lifestyle, heavy lifting, childbirth, treatment for prostate issues, impact sports, failure to train specific core muscles, and general aging can all contribute to a weakened and dysfunctional pelvic floor.

Prevention Is the Best Response

As with most health issues, prevention is the best approach. For the pelvic floor, this includes finding ways to train and strengthen the core muscles.

Kegels and similar exercises can offer some benefits, but many people struggle to perform them adequately or consistently.

Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) uses targeted magnetic waves to effectively stimulate, contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles.

Advantages Of FMS In Treating The Pelvic Floor

Compared to other approaches for strengthening and improving the function of the pelvic floor, Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) offers a variety of advantages:
  • Requires little to no effort
  • Painless and non-invasive
  • No insertion of devices required
  • No need to undress
  • High client compliance compared to exercise regimens
  • Rapid improvement, typically in as little as a few sessions
  • Ability to focus training on specific areas